Click here for high resolution image: FENDER TWIN REVERB HIGH RES. IMAGE (1.2 MB file size)
PRICE: $1000.00
Excellent condition. Serial number A35784. Has the vinyl amp cover. No footswitch. Filter capacitors were replaced about 10 years ago. One speaker was replaced with a Jensen Twin Reverb speaker from New Sensor. Original one is made by Utah. The other Utah is still functioning, but the braided wire is broken. Every time we solder it back together, it breaks again. The speaker could be re-coned, but this would probably cost more than the new Jensen, and the Jensen is better. This original Utah speaker will come with the amp at no charge if you want it. The Tolex cover is in such good shape, it is probably a re-cover. It was done so well that it is hard to tell for sure. The only clue is that it looks newer than the covering on the back-panels. Grill cloth might be new also, very well done if so.
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Following is the website where we obtained the mfg. date from the serial number (A35784). See STEP #4: How to date Fender Twin Reverb amps
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Miscellaneous STUFF FOR SALE Mar. 29, 2010
INFO Obsolete model.
OBSOLETE GA-1 and GA-2 models (no longer made or sold)
email: info@sustainiac.com
Sustainiac is a registered trademark of Maniac Music, Inc.
3937 Cranbrook Drive, Indianapolis Indiana, USA; phone: 317-340-1161
PHONE: 317-340-1161